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Sulfur Set Description

Overall, this story is about how completely opposite things are actually the same. The main character, the lord of shadows and fire, is called Sulfur, and the antagonist, the goddess of the sun and light, is Brimstone, which is essentially the same thing. Sulfur is blue in color (like burning sulfur), and Brimstone is bright yellow (like crystalline sulfur), and despite the fact that they are fundamentally different in appearance, in essence they are the same.

This setting is a mixture of sci-fi with steampunk and dark fantasy.
The sci-fi here is that steam particles can be converted into particles of light, photons, if they are strongly accelerated. To do this they need a huge amount of energy, of course, but this is still possible if the particles are close to the Sun Goddess. In other words, with her presence she changes the laws of physics. Around her, at some distance, the Higgs Field begins to work in the opposite direction - it does not endow particles with mass, but, on the contrary, takes it away. It controls not gravity, but precisely the mass of particles, and can also, thanks to the previous point, convert particles of matter into particles of energy (interaction carriers). The two solid rings around the tower are particle accelerators, like the Large Hadron Collider, and the ones that fly around are past broken versions. Ask - how did they build a hadron collider in their steampunk fantasy world? The answer is with God's help. The Goddess lifts into the air everything that is located within a radius of 100 meters from her, as well as everything that is adjacent to this area (matter is not converted into energy, as it does not develop sufficient speed for this). In other words, if you attach anything to her Abode It doesn’t matter what weight it is - it will rise up into the air. People noticed this and used it for their own purposes. That's why the city that was built around it is so different from the rest of the world in terms of development.

Fantasy here lies in the fact that here, in general, the whole world lives according to the rules of fantasy (except for the city of Santal), and there are gods, like the main character, and the already mentioned Sun Goddess, both of them, by the way, are very ancient. She decided that she had had enough of people, they were too vile and generally unworthy for her, she stopped shining for them, left the sky and lay down in an abandoned barn in the middle of a sunflower field in a kind of divine depression. People took advantage of this and built a whole citadel around it, and since the sun is a powerful thing, it holds this colossus on itself without any problems (like Laputa is held by a crystal from the Miyazaki cartoon). The barn fell apart over time, of course, so it was replaced with beautiful golden chambers, so that the Goddess would not fly away from them to another place, because all their technological superiority rests on her.

In general, people in the setting are, to put it mildly, a race of idiots who grow strawberries when there is nothing to eat, burn fires in wooden sheds (and also walk away from them) and think that the clouds in the sky and dirt in the water are not from factories, but because the Lord The darkness has nothing to do and he plots them for fun. The closer to the citadel, the smarter people are, but most people are complete fools who are easier to manipulate than children. They are driven to factories 24/7, but they don’t even think about rebelling.

The Lord of Darkness, on the way to the citadel, will destroy these factories and let people go (not because he is kind, but because they make it literally impossible to breathe, and people with their stupidity infuriate him no less than the Sun Goddess), so by that time , when he gets to the Citadel, the air will clear a little, so in the illustration, where the top of the Citadel is already visible, the sky is not so dark.
In general, the whole city, by the way, is not really gray, and the buildings are painted in different beautiful shades, but because of the soot and dirty smoke, everything turned gray.
During the ascent to the Citadel, Sulfur will lose his dog Gray in a battle with Archon, and because of this it will be very difficult for him to kill the Lamb in order to get into the Abode of the Goddess. When Sulfur, having defeated all opponents, including Leviathan, who is Grimstone's old pet since the time of the dinosaurs, sees the empty throne, he becomes frustrated and returns to the field and begins to chop down sunflowers in impotent anger, as his whole journey was in vain.
He finds Grimstone sleeping with her wings folded in the middle of a sunflower field and defeats her too. She is his strongest opponent, but he perked up greatly when he realized that it was not in vain that it took him so long to get up here. Having torn her heart out of her chest in order to become the strongest god once and for all, he falls into a stupor because Sera’s heart turns out to be not a crystal of absolute purity - it also has dark spots and stains, it is not perfect. And then Sulfur thinks that his heart may look exactly the same, only it has a different, darker shell. After this, he can no longer just kill her, because now he understands that they are essentially the same, and to kill Brimstone means to kill himself. Without light there is no shadow, but without shadow light could not exist as well. If there is no black and white, the whole world will turn into one inseparable gray mass. If there had not been a Sun Goddess, he would not have been the Lord of Shadows, not himself. And he’s probably been so weak lately precisely because she left the sky and the shadows stopped being so clear.

Sulfur returns Brimstone's heart and says that he will let her live if she returns to sky. Brimstone, of course, immediately disagrees and argues with him that people are not worthy of light, to which Sulfur replies that no matter what she does, people will continue to live even in the shadow, and even if the shadow disappears, they will still find a way survive. In addition, he threatens that he will kill her if she does not do what he says (this is a bluff). Brimstone eventually reluctantly agrees and returns to sky.

To finish the description I would like to remind you that this set is SOLD and any usage of designs in it or its story is strictly prohibited.

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