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Adopts Lore

Lore of several my most successful adopts, which you should read if you are interested in my writing skills.

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Azurite mater tree and her three apples

Azurite is the spirit of the ancient forest, which shows beautiful trees with dark purple bark, iridescent leaves and blue apples, the skin of which shimmers reddish-crimson, the flesh covered with strange patterns with golden splashes. Azurite is like an apple, with a multi-colored shell and blue insides. They say she first felt like a separate being when one of the oldest apple tree's root in the forest was struck by lightning and separated from the mass. Maybe Azurite still has some kind of mental connection with the ancient tree, or maybe Azurite is this tree that is simply using her body to spread. But she is definitely not a separate being from him.
Azurite is mainly engaged in protecting the forest and preventing people from cutting down trees - one bush can cost an entire village. Thus, the forest has reached and reached once, and its core with the mother tree becomes more and more impenetrable. When Azurite has some free time, she carefully digs up apple tree seedlings and takes them to a new forest. When the time comes and the seedling begins to slowly take over the forest, he brings one of his grown apples to it so that he can master the new place.
Once every 10 years, in good weather, an unusually large apple - an egg - is observed among ordinary fruits. Azurite immediately notices it, tilts the branch to the ground and builds a soft nest so that the baby hatches and falls not on the hard ground, but on fluff and moss. She nurses the hatched little dragon on her own for three years, after which he becomes more or less independent. However, to fully mature, azurite apples require at least 30 years, after which the mother stops caring for them and they begin an independent life away from their native forest. Some of the apples die, losing mother's support, but some become truly powerful apple dragons.
Next to the mother, they cannot fully grow, so as not to show that they are laying claim to mother's reign, but apart from her they can grow even beyond her size. They are born blue, just like apples, then they turn brown, and then turn yellow, after which they acquire their true unique color. Also, when they are born they have pupils, but as they age the pupils disappear. As they grew older, they acquired a characteristic long thin mane with a unique pattern.

On the reference, the mother is several thousand years old, the largest apple is 27 years old, the middle one is 17, and the smallest is 7. The oldest will soon leave his native nest.
The youngest is the most bubbly and playful, the middle one is too serious, the eldest is already pretending to be on his own and tries to help his mother with her responsibilities.

If we talk about growth, then Azurite reaches the height of a five-story building. She hides among the trees without any problems, but on the ground she is even too noticeable.
I wouldn’t recommend meeting her at night to anyone - from a distance she looks like a giant, beautiful ghost walking majestically among the trees, but up close she’s simply terrifying. Just one bite and you can call yourself a dead corpse. She does not eat people, because they are too dirty, so Azurite gives them to forest animals.

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The Golden Giant

A huge ancient creature, shaking the earth with heavy steps, has been walking on it for several millennia. A human does not even reach its ankle, and from afar it looks like a huge moving mountain. During its long journey, it was completely overgrown with vines and moss, which were covered with small blue flowers that appeared from an excess of mana, and gold coins on thin threads, the number of which exceeded the number of years that it had lived for. Golden snakes are its faithful companions, who not only decorate the giant with coins, but also bring it food, because it is too old to hunt on its own. The giant, of course, will still be ready to fight back if it meets a worthy opponent - thanks to the magic stone embedded in its tail, it fights not only with its size, but also with the power of old, terrifying spells.

The giant will not attack you unless it considers you a threat... or a piece of food.

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Bleached Star and Little Prism

The star, which during its long journey had lost not only some parts of her body, but also her original color, wandered for a long time and senselessly through the universe, seeing nothing in front of it except pitch darkness. Her world had lost all its colors, and only the gold adorning her body reminded her that all was not lost. The smooth and bright radiance turned into a whitish creeping fog. So, this large and gloomy creature wandered without a particular goal for many years, gradually losing memories of the past, until she met a small prism. This little girl turned out to be so cheerful that she literally glowed with happiness when she met one of the most ancient stars she had ever seen. The star did not invite her - Prisma herself followed her, declaring that she would need protection on the journey. Now they are inseparable and invincible, and it is unlikely that when you meet them you will want to engage in battle, because one of them is guaranteed to be able to decompose you into atoms, and which one - think for yourself.


Don't die, little thing, don't make me alone again

Ab2 bonus custom design for SisterMobius with wings.png
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The fading sun

Weapon codenamed "sun" have been used by people since ancient times. The ancient creature they enslaved became their key to conquering other people and conquering new territories, and there was nothing that could compare to its power at that time. These people became the fastest growing civilization at that time and held primacy in the world for a long time.
But time passed, the creature grew old and could no longer be as terrifying as in its youth. Progress did not stand still and little by little bombs began to appear that could compare with it in strength, and some even surpass it. The state, the symbol of which it was, could not allow others to see its weakness and found no other way out than to give its “sun” a second life.
Thus, the “sun” was mechanized. Most of the creature's body was replaced with high-tech prosthetics, its firepower was increased many times over and all sorts of military equipment was stuffed everywhere, and a chip was implanted in its brain, because of which it was forced to do whatever it was ordered to do. So, already quite deprived of free will, the “sun” lost it completely. Maybe it’s already dead, even though the artificial pump keeps its heartbeat going, who knows. I don't think anyone even cares.

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Phobos and Deimos

Phobos and Deimos, Fear and Horror. Brothers by heart, but not by blood. They found each other among the ruins of the old city. The man and the dragon, who came to breathe in the ashes saturated with dying cries, felt it immediately - they were destined to meet.

But, alas, it was not possible for a trusting relationship to develop between them. Deimos quickly discovered that the poisonous, internally cooling fog coming from Phobos’s mouth also affected its owner. He built a special device that forced Phobos to constantly inhale his own fog. The dragon, having lost its mind, turned out to be extremely convenient - he does not require either water or food, will do whatever he is ordered, and will not lie down until the mask is removed from him. Deimos received a personal, uncomplaining slave, because even with his huge claws, Phobos simply couldn't pull off his mask - he did not understand where he was and what was happening to him, wakefulness turned for him into delirium alternating with nightmares.

Which, however, despite his endurance, could not withstand the poison for long without loss. His muzzle mutated under the influence of the fog, becoming covered with several additional rows of teeth, just to somehow filter it. His body gradually began to decompose from the inside and his neck was the first to suffer - patterns appeared on it, through which the fog gradually seeped. Then the chest and stomach were affected - the skin on them became so thin that the ribs and the insides distorted underneath were visible. The scales became more round and pale, much more easy to tear off the body.

So gradually the whole body changed its shape greatly, and Phobos’s whole personality turned into one single feeling - fear, overwhelming and burning him from the inside. Deimos turned into a terrifying creature devoid of mercy, constantly hiding his face and having only one main quality - the horror that he brought to everyone around him, including himself. He could no longer perceive himself without the mask and could not live with a sober mind, while realizing what he had done. Therefore, he created a similar device for himself - of course, the poison entered his body in much smaller doses than to Phobos, but this did not save him from slow but inevitable insanity.

So they live together, no longer able to exist separately, outside of this union. Fear and Horror, having united once, will never be able to leave each other.

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The great wall

The Great Wall is so old that humanity has already forgotten why it was built, what it was trying to protect them from. It is a grave nine thousand kilometers long, holding the monster resting beneath it with its weight. They say that people managed to put a dragon flying in the sky to sleep with the smoke of ritual opium bonfires, causing it to lose consciousness and fall to the ground, in which people buried it alive, and so that the dragon could not take off from there, they built a giant wall along the length of its entire body, which stands to this day. It is so old that it began to be used as an ordinary wall. For many years it remained untouched, until at one point one of the towers was carelessly destroyed. The seal holding back the dragon fell away, and its petrified remains came to life and lifted a multi-ton load on its back. Dying, the dragon turned into a statue covered with smoky quartz, which over time split into black-golden cracks. And now it, mad and furious, burst out, ready to kill everyone in its path.

They say that the wall was literally built on bones. But whose exactly?

To finish this page, I would like to remind you that there designs are SOLD and any usage of them or their stories is strictly prohibited.

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Queen of the Night

The Queen of the Night is a dragon of the night, once cursed by the other ancient gods for her stinginess.

The fact is that her blood is healing and fertile - if you sprinkle it on the desert, flowers will immediately bloom on its lifeless lands; if a terminally ill person feels its taste on the tongue, they will be cured. Despite such a gift, the Queen of the Night did not want to waste her precious blood on the mortal world, who were unable to repay her in any way, and deceived the other gods, saying that she had lost all her blood and now ordinary water flowed through her veins. Her lies were quickly exposed and she was reduced to a mere mortal, her magnificent wings stripped of the ability to fly, her golden fangs torn out, and her eyes covered with Selenicereus flowers so that she could not see who she bestowed with her wondrous blood. In this form, she is forced to wander around the world until she has used up all the blood that is in her body, because when the last drop of blood falls into the hands of the sufferer, her sin will be atoned for and she will finally be able to get rid of torment and die.

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